Setup Cache Warmer in Webflow

Setup a project and verify your project in Cache Warmer

The first step is to setup a project in the Cache Warmer tool and to verify your project in Cache Warmer.

This is described in the helpcenter article: Verification of a webflow project

Configurate Webflow

Go to the Webflow Dashboard and select the Webflow website you want to configure and select Settings.


On the settings page select Apps & Integrations and scroll down to the Webhook configuration.

Select Add webhook 

And fill in the form with the following settings:

  • Trigger type: Site publish
  • Api version: API v2
  • Webhook URL (can be found on your Cache Warmer project detail page - see end of post for an example)

And select Add webhook to save the settings.

You are all done, on every new site publish Cache Warmer be automatically initiated.

Example of the webhook url found on the Cache Warmer detail page